My View of Humanity and Ethics
My approach is based on the Belief that everyone has a positive core is hidden, it is worth to be encouraged and to be discovered. And I stick to the humanistic image of man which the Dignity and worth of each individual human being in the focus.
I firmly believe that we should perceive the people as a Whole. This notion characterizes my Act decisively. The people I see as a harmonious Interplay of body, soul and spirit are interconnected.
Our experiences have a profound impact on us and help us to shape our values and preferences. Through these influences, think, feel, and act in our own way.
Life is a continuous process of growing and learning, and we all have the ability to make decisions and to choose our own path. Ultimately, it is our individual Strengths and weaknesses that make us as human beings unique.
For me, it is clear that every person is unique and their dignity is an inviolable value inherent within them (according to Carl R. Rogers). (Carl R. Rogers).
It is fascinating to me how people have the ability, through their own Actions to reflect, find new opportunities and perceive differences. The man basically has the Chance to be active and to make decisions for him in his development and how he can develop their full potential.
Nevertheless, it is understandable that many tend to leave familiar paths. Reasons such as habit, convenience, or even the fear of change and the Unknown can play a role here.
"Only those who know their goal can find the way." (Laozi)
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