
"Talking about problems makes problems grow."

"Talking about solutions makes solutions grow."

Coaching Tools and Methods

There are various methods and Tools, which can, depending on the topic and Situation. Here are some examples of Tools and methods I successfully use are:

"The inner Team" by Friedemann Schulz von Thun, is a kind of "journey to the self", in which all inner aspects such as beliefs, thoughts and experiences are addressed. This leads to new ideas and encourages one to question information.

"The Relationship Clarifier"« by Martin Wehrle: Helps to deal more relaxedly with relationship issues and stressful situations.

"Accepting People More Easily" by Gunter Schmidt: When people do things that don't make sense to us, it can be difficult to accept these people. A change of perspective can help to regain acceptance.

"The Wheel of Life" by Friedemann Schulz von Thun: Serves to determine one's position and achieve a balanced "work-life balance." The current state and the desired state are depicted visually to enable a direct comparison.

«Four Step Model»"" by Sonja Radatz: A change of perspective creates a better sense of options to find out what one likes best or could make one happy in the long run.

"The Resources Scale" by Franziska Schmalzl: Allows balancing the current burden by focusing on resources and conveying a picture of a new balance.

"9-Field Model" by Dr.Josep Rieforth:Resources are identified in nine steps, actionable steps are developed, and a solution is pursued.

«Disney Strategy» by Robert B. Dilts:Based on Walt Disney's creative personality and his talent for visions. It helps to plan a vision in a realistic way and to implement it into reality. A useful tool for working with visions.

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